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Spiritual Wellness


Your Soul's Blueprint & The Akashic Records: 

An Energetic Library of Your Soul and Its Journey

What are the Akashic Records? 

The Akashic Records are an energetic library of information that contain the details of your soul and its journey. They span through past lives, present incarnations, and future possibilities. This includes your soul journey, soul purpose, gifts, and so much more.

Are The Akashic Records Calling You?

  • Uncover Your Soul's Purpose

  • Heal Past Wounds

  • Remove Limiting Beliefs

  • Receive Divine Guidance

  • Manifest Your Dreams and Potential




Are you:

  • Yearning for deeper self-understanding and purpose?

  • Feeling a pull towards the Akashic Records but unsure how to access their wisdom?

  • Ready to unleash your Clairs, Psychic abilities, Gifts, Healing Abilities and share them with the world?

  • Seeking transformation and empowerment on your spiritual journey?

  • Desire to guide others towards healing and self-discovery?

Unlock your soul's wisdom and discover the path to clarity, healing, and transformation for yourself and others.

Ready to take the next step? If you answered YES to any of these questions, this course is designed for you. Apply now or schedule a free consultation to discuss your personal journey.

Your Divine Blueprint to Awakening Your Soul

Image by Trevor Gerzen
Image by Trevor Gerzen

What we offer


Anchor 1

MEET Nuria

In this Expansion Akashic Records Facilitation Course interview she states:

  • Experienced a complete spiritual and professional upgrade.

  • All blockages keeping her stuck were removed and now she operates in her full power.

  • Her Reiki Sessions have been upgraded to Psychic Reiki Healing Sessions

  • Noted significant improvements from:​

    • Akashic Records and Third Eye Activations: a transformative upgrade with enhanced downloads, clearer information and imagery. She could physically feel blocks being removed.​

  • The Abundance Blueprint (aka. Clearing Trauma from the Source Course):

    • life-changing experience and release of emotional burdens, Giving her a new sense of freedom while opening new opportunities.

    • Manifested her dream car and the financial means to acquire it.​

    • Started having visions that led to positive outcomes when followed.​​​

    • Developed trust in her intuition and decision-making.​

    • Received numerous revelations and insights.

    • Cord Cutting Container: Profound energetic shift, reclaimed personal power. Months later she still uses this container. 

    • Womb/Sexual Healing Course helped her release deeply buried memories and trauma, leading to a profound shift in self-worth and a more empowered relationship with her body.

    • Her family dynamics also improved as a result of personal growth.


Everyone has the ability to read the records, we have just forgotten or are blocked due to past life trauma or not accessing the records in many lifetimes. Your soul level and how you read the records is what makes you unique.



In this Akashic Records Facilitation Course Interview she states:

  • She experienced a full awakening of her Clairsentient abilities. This includes Claircognizance, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance and Clairsentience.

  • Akashic Records Activations opened a portal for her in which she now receives clear, direct messages and downloads from the Akashic Records.

  • Underwent a profound personal transformation.

  • Unlocked the ability to provide divine guidance and healing to herself and others.

  • Experienced increased confidence in her path through daily connection with divine guidance.

  • Witnessed positive shifts in her relationships, outlook, and anxiety levels.

  • Embarked on a professional path as an Akashic Records Facilitator.​

Everyone has the ability to read the records, we have just forgotten or are blocked due to past life trauma or not accessing the records in many lifetimes. Your soul level and how you read the records is what makes you unique.


Akashic Records Reading's & Mentorship 

In our mentorship and one-on-one sessions, we'll dive into your soul's journey together. This is your opportunity to ask any questions about the program or your path, ensuring you receive the guidance and support you need.

Spiritual Wellness

What's included in the..

Akashic Records Facilitation Course

Awaken Your Soul's Blueprint: Become a Certified Akashic Records Facilitator


Tap into your Akasha wisdom and empower others on their spiritual journeys

In This Transformative Course, You'll:​​

  • Master Akashic access: Confidently connect with the records as a skilled facilitator.

  • Awaken your abilities: Sharpen your clairs for clear, accurate messages. (For deeper clearing of blocks, explore the Expansion Course.)

  • Heal and guide others: Release past-life trauma and empower personal growth. (For deeper healing, explore the Expansion Course)

  • Embrace your unique gifts: Discover your authentic style as a facilitator.

  • Step into your power: Gain confidence and tools to guide others.

Expand Your Mastery - Expansion Course Only:

  • Energetic Trauma Healing: Clear deep-seated traumas.

  • Limiting Belief Release: Transform self-limiting beliefs.

  • Womb Healing: Heal and clear sexual imprints and energetic trauma.

  • Energetic Cord Cutting: Unplug from draining connections and reclaim your power back.

Spiritual Healing

Journey #1

Transform your journey with our 12-week online program. Gain fresh insights and practices each week, plus connect with a supportive community in 8 weekly group Zoom meetings.

Spiritual Wellness

Discover #2

Learn efficient access and navigation techniques, discover your Akasha channeling style, and gain powerful self-mastery tools to guide your journey.


Akashic Records Facilitation Training

Prepare  and Activate #3

 Discover sacred space rituals, energy clearing techniques, and activations to remove blocks, amplify your channel, and elevate your readings. If you have limiting beliefs and stored energetic trauma in your physical body then please refer to the Expansion Course.

Akashic Records Mentorship
Spiritaul Healing

Guidance #4

Akashic Records Facilitation Course

Receive mentorship and in-depth guidance to confidently step into your role as an Akashic Records facilitator. Includes one-on-one reading sessions for tailored support.

Explore #5

Explore Light Language, Symbology and creating unique codes to use in the records and much more!

Embody #6

Gain confidence as an Akashic Records facilitator through hands-on practice with fellow students. Develop your skills and abilities to emerge as a powerful pioneer in this transformative field.


Activations & Quantum Transmissions

Activations and Quantum Transmissions are designed to accelerate and enhance your natural awakening and activation process.

Activations are often used to:​​

  • Awaken dormant potential: Spark latent abilities and insights.

  • Clear energetic blockages: If you have limiting beliefs or stored traumatic energetic blocks in your physical body- please explore the Expansion Course.

  • Open and strengthen your channel: Enhance your ability to receive clear information.

  • Re-activate your Akashic Records field: Awaken dormant connections.

  • Align you with higher frequencies: Deepen your understanding and connection.

  • Clear energetic sexual imprints - Expansion Course only

  • Remove unconscious unhealthy energetic cords- Expansion Course only

Akashic Records Facilitation Courses


to reserve your spot!

(limited spots available) 


Please fill out the application form or set up a free consultation session with me to discuss further. 


$1950 USD

Price going up soon!


  • 12-Week Online Certification Program for Akashic Records Facilitation

  • Eight Weekly Group Zoom Calls

  • Akashic Records Activations, one & two

  • One one-on-one Akashic Records readings with founder of EarthRising

  • Mentorship with founder of EarthRising

  • Material and practices to assist you as a facilitator and in your overall expansion and self growth

  • Two Group Breathwork Sessions

  • 16-Week Energetic Container to practice with other students.

  • Community Access

  • Bonus zoom meeting to celebrate and close the container


$2350 USD

Price going up soon! 


  • Healing and Activating​​​​

  • This course has everything from Basic Course but fully loaded with much more!

  • 12-Week Online Certification Program for Akashic Records Facilitation

  • Sexual/ Womb healing course which includes a womb healing and replenish activations

  • Sacred Geometry Cord Cutting Container which includes a cord cutting etheric session +Energetic Attunement, cord cutting while reclaiming power back activation

  • The Abundance Blueprint (this is the Abundance Blueprint Course Material only. This includes how to clear trauma from the Source template and how to receive abundance, also includes practices and exercises. No 1:1 sessions and abundance/ money activations are included. They are an additional price if you desire them) 

  • Akashic Records Activation, one & two

  • Third Eye Activation

  • Three one-on-one Akashic Records readings with founder of EarthRising

  • Mentorship with founder of EarthRising

  • Proper energetic protection protocols

  • Material and practices to assist you as a facilitator and in your overall expansion and self growth

  • Eight weekly Group Zoom Calls

  • Two Group Breathwork Sessions

  • 16-Week Energetic Container to practice with other students.

  • Community Access

  • Bonus zoom meeting to celebrate and close the container



Hear what our clients have to say! 

Meet Saira!

She went in with a request to heal a trigger and noticed it was a gone a week later! She also noticed having incredible energy after our session! 

Meet Mercy!

She had powerful transformation healing from our sessions. We worked on clearing some blocks that we found and she noticed huge healing after our sessions together.

Meet Jeremy!

He raised over $500K for his new business from a message that came through in our session! - This was one of the first few readings I gave!

Purple Flower

Akashic Training Outline

Intensive Training


Week 1

  • Introduction meeting on Zoom

  • Explore How to access the Akashic Records

  • Practices to embody yourself as a clear channel in the records

  • Explore Self Mastery Tools

  • Common signs and symptoms discussed

  • Weekly practices and assignments dropped


Week 4

  • Zoom call group meeting

  • Third Eye Activation

  • 3 Modalities to access your own personal Akashic Records for a more in-depth reading

  • Exploring your Akashic Records

  • Third Eye Exploration

  • Weekly practices and assignments dropped


Week 7 Integration

  • No Zoom meeting this week

  • Exploring your Gene Keys

  • Playing with Gene Keys and Human Design in the Records

  • Weekly practices & assignments dropped


Week 10

  • Zoom call group meeting

  • Collaboration Exploration

  • Discovering your Niche

  • Creative Play

  • What to steer clear from as an Akashic Records Facilitator



Week 3

  • ​Zoom call group meeting

  • Akashic Records Two Activation

  • In-depth guidance for your first week stepping into Akashic Records Facilitation

  • Begin 1:1 Practice sessions as a facilitator

  • Weekly practices and assignments dropped

Week 2

  • Zoom call group meeting

  • Akashic Records One Activation

  • Explore creating Sacred Space

  • How to prepare for a reading

  • Modalities to help clear your vessel of density

  • Intuition vs. Akashic Records

  • Weekly practices and assignments dropped



Week 5

  • Week 5 Integration

  • No Zoom meeting this week

  • Proper Energetic Protection Protocols

  • Weekly practices and assignments dropped

Week 6

  • Zoom call group meeting

  • Exploring being a direct conduit for others healing as a facilitator.

  • Timeline Trauma Clearings & Reclaiming your Power back

  • Inner Child Work

  • Embodying Forgiveness

  • Weekly practices and assignments dropped


Week 8

  • Zoom call group meeting

  • Exploring Light Language

  • Symbology in the Records

  • Downloading Codes

  • Weekly practices and assignments dropped


Week 9 Integration

  • No Zoom meeting this week

  • How to stay in the zone

  • Weekly practices and assignments dropped



Week 11 Integration

  • No Zoom meeting this week

  • Pattern Breaks

  • Clearing Backlog

  • Weekly practices and assignments dropped

Week 12

  • Zoom call group meeting

  • Emails and lasting impressions

  • Celebration week!

  • Certification available

  • Practice container with other students continues for 1 month


Week 13 Bonus Meeting

  • Connect & Celebrate

  • One month after Week 12 

  • Closing Container 

Common Questions
& Answers

Q. Will this course help me unlock my ability to channel the Akashic Records, and how do I know if it's the right fit for me?

A: The ability to channel the Akashic Records is an innate gift within each of us. However, many people may still be asleep, not be aware of this potential or may have energetic blockages preventing them from accessing it. These blocks often stem from past life experiences, childhood traumas, limiting beliefs, or simply not having used this ability in many lifetimes.

If you feel a strong pull towards our Akashic Records Facilitator course, it's a sign that you're ready to embark on this journey. The course is designed to help you clear these blocks through activations, targeted practices, and self-mastery tools, allowing your unique channeling abilities to flow naturally.

Trust your intuition! If you feel energetically aligned with this path, then it's the right course for you.
Still unsure? I'd be happy to help. Book an Akashic Records Reading with me, and we can explore your questions together. If you decide to enroll in the course afterward, the reading fee can be deducted from the course price. Just let me know beforehand!

Q. How do I know if I will be a good Akashic Records Facilitator? 

A: How you channel the Akashic Records after completing this course depends on a couple factors: your current soul's lifespan/ journey, and the dedication you bring to the program. The more you put in, the more you'll receive.

If you feel drawn to this course and are committed to the process, I'm confident you'll become a skilled and powerful channel as an Akashic Records Facilitator.

There's a reason you found this path.

Still want more clarity? I recommend booking an Akashic Reading with me. We can explore your questions directly within the records and determine if this course aligns with your soul's purpose. If you decide to enroll, the cost of the reading can be deducted from your course fee. Just let me know beforehand!

Q. I don't have any special abilities or clairs turned on, is this course right for me?

A. Yes! This course is here to empower all of your clairs in the records and to re- activate the Akashic Records in your field. 

Q. How many hours do I need to have available per week minimum for this course?

A. For this course you would need minimum 3 hours per week. If you only have 2 hrs per week know that you can still do the course but it will take you longer to step into this role. 8 hrs per week is highly suggested if you want to finish this course and step into becoming a professional Akashic Records Facilitator by the time this course ends. The more time and effort you put into this course, the more you will receive. 

Q. How do I know if I am aligned with this course? 

A. Do you get excited or feel an energetic pull, a strong resonance towards this course or becoming an Akashic Records Facilitator? This is your soul speaking to you that you are ready and aligned!  If you still are unsure feel free to ask this question in an Akashic Reading with me.


FREE mini Akashic Records Reading for first time costumers only



  • 12 week online certification with material and practices weekly

  • 1 Akashic Readings

  • 2 Akashic Activations 

  • Mentorship

  • 8 weekly group zoom calls

  • 2 group breath work sessions 

  • Bonus month of practice

  • Community access - part of WhatsApp group

$25 USD

$800 USD

$1500 USD

$139 USD 

$450 USD 

$80 USD

$149 USD

$800 USD



  • 12 week online certification with material and practices weekly

  • 3 Akashic reading

  • Mentorship

  • 2 Akashic Activations

  • Sacred Geometry Cord Cutting

  • Womb Healing 

  • Clearing Trauma from the Source Course

  • 8 weekly group zoom calls

  • 2 group breath work sessions

  • Bonus month of practice

  • Community access  part of whatsapp group


$800 USD

$436 USD

1500 $USD

$450 USD

$448 USD

$145 USD

$444 USD

$444 USD

$800 USD

$145 USD

$80 USD

$25 USD


ONLY $2350 

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