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Welcome to EarthRising! I'm thrilled you've found your way to my website. It means our paths were destined to cross, and you are divinely aligned with my energetic offerings. I place an energetic call into the universe for those who are ready to receive my offerings.   


My story is one of deep healing and transformation, turning trauma into triumph. While the details are intense, I believe sharing the basics of my journey is essential, as it offers hope and inspiration for others.


I was homeschooled in a very disruptive household. My earlier doctor labeled my father as schizophrenic and bi polar and my loving mother labeled him as a sociopath; he was very abusive among other things.


Unlike my sisters, I had troubles with learning, comprehension, reading, writing, speaking, listening and mind body connection, etc. which I found out not long ago that I have high functioning autism and ADHD. I am also dyslexic and had many other disorders growing up. (I clearly do not show these signs any more, this is due to my incredible work i have done on myself!) I now know from working in the Akashic Records these are signs of being a celestial, and that you can actually work through these parts of ourselves so they don't need to hinder you or be problematic. In fact now that i have cleared the density from my field I see my abilities as gifts. 


I escaped a cult at age 14 where I was  in child slave labor. (working heavy labor for 18 hours a day) I was locked up, treated as scum and wasn't allowed to contact the outside world. When I escaped back in to Canada I was broken and developed a social phobia, a tic, and a major stutter. I eventually found drugs and alcohol to help numb the pain. I stayed in this addiction for over 17 years of my life.


I had many signs growing up that I was sexually abused as a child, this was something that my relative was known to do. 


When I was 21 I was in a car accident where I was ejected 100 feet from the car. Landing feet first into a coma and concussion. I was in a cast for 4 years and had over 5 operations.


Upon ceasing drug and alcohol use, I became acutely aware of my heightened sensitivity to the energies of others. (empath abilities in full form) A simple coffee meeting could leave me with intrusive thoughts and overwhelming negativity that was not mine. At night, I could physically feel this absorbed energy coursing through my body, disrupting my sleep for years. (1 hour of broken sleep a night) There is so much more to this story but I will save the details here).


Everything that I have listed on my website has made an astounding impact on my overall life and wellbeing.


Through immense personal work and dedication, I've transformed my life and found healing. The tools and practices I share on my website are the very ones that have empowered me to overcome these obstacles and thrive. They hold the potential to transform your life too.  


Our challenges, however difficult, hold the seeds of our greatest growth and mastery. By embracing our unique healing journey and tuning into the modalities that resonate with us, we can transmute these experiences into wisdom and strength.


Every hardship we face holds a hidden gift waiting to be discovered. It's in the overcoming that we find our true purpose and the power to share our unique gifts with the world.

So, what profound lessons have you experienced? What lies on the other side of your challenges? What are you here to master and share?​


If you have any questions regarding any of my offerings, please don't hesitate to reach out. 


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me directly at I'm excited to hear from you and support you on your path.



Stephanie Lynn  

About me

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