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Blue Skies

Activations & Quantum Transmissions


Activations and Quantum Transmissions are powerful tools designed to accelerate your soul's journey. While they don't directly heal or fix you, they do propel you forward on your unique healing and ascension journey by enhancing your awakening and activation process. These offerings are intended for those who feel a resonant pull and are open to receiving their transformative energies.

These unique activations differ from traditional methods as they don't deplete your innate power. By placing them directly into your source connection, you have the autonomy to download them at your own pace and readiness. This simple approach empowers you to retain your personal power, as you initiate and control the healing and activation process.


Akashic Records One Activation

Reawaken and restore your access to the Akashic Records with this exclusive activation. Clear blockages from past and present lifetimes that hinder your innate ability. Available only through our Akashic Records Facilitation Programs.


Akashic Records Two Activation 

Re-establishing, mending and repairing your channel to the Akashic Records with this exclusive activation.  Receive clearer and more direct messages from yours and your clients divine spiritual team. Empowering your claircognizance and clairaudience in the records. This Activation is only available through the Akashic Records Facilitation Programs.



Akashic Records Third Eye Activation

Activating  & awakening your third eye abilities which can allow for you to receive clearer, more concise messages and wisdom in the records. This activation is here to clear and remove the barriers that are blocking you from your third eye abilities in the records. This Activation is only available in the Expansion Akashic Records Facilitation Program.



Source Quantum Transmission

Plugging you back into Source. Re-establishing your innate power back to you. To keep your source connection updated it is important to incorporate Self Mastery alongside this activation.  Self mastery tools are given in the Akashic Records Course, memberships and coaching container. Choose one or multiple from this collection for a deeper, smoother journey towards greater source. Source contains 5 transmissions.

Blue Skies

Soul Retrieval Quantum Transmission

Reclaiming and calling back parts of your soul and power that fragmented during times of trauma, drugs ,alcohol abuse, accidents, severe emotional disturbances, and sex. 


Peace Quantum Transmission

This group of transmissions can help to lessen the intrusive chaos and noise that bombards us in our daily lives.  Peace transmission can assist you to live a life with more peace, comfort and ease. Choose one or multiple from this collection for a deeper, smoother journey towards greater peace. Peace contains 5 transmissions.


Cord Cutting Activation


This energy clearing activation is designed to sever unwanted energetic cords, clear dense energy, and facilitate entity removal. It's particularly beneficial for those sensitive to energy. This activation can promote a sense of clarity, well-being, and release, leaving you feeling lighter and more refreshed. While the effects may vary, consistent energy hygiene practices are recommended for maintaining a clear and vibrant energetic field. 


While this activation can help clear entities, they may return. Regular energy clearing while minimizing fear and negative thoughts are key to not bringing on new entities. Additional tips and tools are available upon request.


Presence Quantum Transmission


Enhance your present moment awareness and reduce distractions with these transformative transmissions. Choose one or multiple from this collection for a deeper, smoother journey towards greater presence.


Presence contains 3 transmissions.


Abundance Money Quantum Transmission

To identify and release subconscious blocks that hinder your financial flow. It helps you align with your natural abundance and attract greater prosperity. While not an instant wealth solution, it fosters a healthier relationship with money, enabling you to receive more effortlessly and create financial well-being over time. This activation does not clear Limiting Beliefs and Negative Karma out of your field. All karma has the be naturally cleared out by going through the experience, all limiting belief removal must be worked on in a AR session. This Activation is only sold with The Abundance Blueprint.


Money Abundance contains 3 transmissions.

Blue Skies

Clarity Quantum Transmission

Receive more clarity, depth and understanding to your daily life. Assisting you to remove the blocks and density inhibiting you from this natural state. Choose one or multiple from this collection for a deeper, smoother journey towards greater clarity.


Clarity contains 7 transmissions


Soul Abundance Quantum Transmission

This group of transmissions are created for bringing in more soul connections, health, joy, creativity, or the right people. This activation will help you align with your natural state of receiving. It works on a subtle, yet profound level to shift your relationship with abundance, opening you up to limitless possibilities. Diving alignment and connection to those who are meant to be in your path. An abundance of feeling refreshed, grounded and restful.  Abundance contains a group of transmissions; you can choose to get one or more for greater depth. Soul Abundance contains 4 transmissions.


Joy Quantum Transmission 

This group of transmissions are created for a life filled with more joyful energy. Allowing for you to feel more joyful wherever you are in all of your experiences. Choose one or multiple from this collection for a deeper, smoother journey towards greater joy. Joy contains 4 transmissions in total.


Clearing Contracts Quantum Transmission

Clearing lifetimes of contracts, vows, and agreements that are not for your highest, greatest good. 


Transcending Dense Energy Quantum Transmission

Transcending density that is stored in your vessel energetically. This Activation is best paired with action & steps which can be given in the Coaching Container or Expansion Akashic Facilitation Training Course.. Density must be cleared on many layers; this is one layer to clearing.

Blue Skies

Energy Quantum Transmission

This activation is here to assist you with having a more divine flow of source energy run through you so you can feel more motivated and energized throughout your day. Also can help with thyroid issues that are making you feel depleted in energy.


DNA Activation

Activate your dormant DNA and to allow for more of your truest self to come online. 


Auric Field Quantum Transmission

Strengthen, mend, heal, and repair your auric field from serious damage or trauma. This is recommended for those who have open holes, rips or tears in their auric field often due from trauma, surgery or feel that their auric field is weak.


Light Language 

To clear the blocks that are inhibiting you from your innate light language. To allow for greater flow and ease from your light language to come through. This activation must be paired with proper steps and practices for you to channel your LL with more flow and grace. Steps and practices given in Akashic Facilitation Course and Coaching upon request.


Faith ​

Embodying more faith in the waking world. 

Choose one or multiple from this collection for a deeper, smoother journey towards greater joy. Faith contains 4 transmissions in total.


Womb Healing Activation

Exclusive to the Womb Healing Course, this activation clears the womb of energetic imprints, blocks, and stored energetic DNA from sexual intercourse. It assists in releasing traumatic energy from past lives, sexual experiences, and ancestral lineage.


Replenish and Revive Activation

Exclusive to the Womb Healing course, this activation replenishes your womb with divine healing energy while reclaiming your sexual power back to you.

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