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Image by Nabajyoti Ray

The Abundance Blueprint


Unresolved trauma can create energetic blockages that hinder the flow of abundance. By consciously addressing and releasing this trauma, you reclaim personal power and create space for abundance. This course provides the tools and guidance for this transformative journey.

Healing is an ongoing process requiring commitment and self-compassion. This template offers a pathway, but your unique experiences may necessitate additional exploration. As you release past burdens, you open yourself to a future of limitless abundance.


Crack the Code to Unlimited Potential

This course is for you if you are seeking:

Included in this Course:

Image by J Lee

There's nothing wrong with you...

Having triggers is normal if you've had a difficult childhood or life. 


Are you ready to step into your personal power and transmute your past traumas into a catalyst for boundless abundance?

How do we get triggers?

When individuals, particularly during childhood, experience trauma without the capacity to process it, the associated energy becomes embedded within the body. The natural stress response of fight, flight, or freeze can unintentionally contribute to this storage of traumatic energy.


This unprocessed energy remains dormant until consciously addressed, potentially impacting behaviors and emotional reactions. Triggers can reactivate the trauma, causing individuals to regress to the age at which it occurred.


By understanding this phenomenon, we can gain insight into seemingly inexplicable behaviors and access pathways to healing.

In this video Iris states that she:


  • Started receiving abundance from many difference sources either in the form of money or through nice gestures/ gifts from friends.


  • Strengthened her intuitive abilities and is now in flow with her body. 


  • She is now in tune with her feminine energy allowing for her to be in balance between masculine and feminine. 


  • When traumas and triggering energy arises, she now has more poise and awareness to slow down and go inwards and navigate through it.


  • She now navigates through life and situations that arise with more feminine flow and ease. 


  • Iris combined the Womb Healing Course with the Unleash Your Power Course

Meet Iris:

Clearing Trauma from the Source Course is now referred to as The Abundance Blueprint


In this video Nuria states that she:


  • Experienced life-changing emotional release and a newfound sense of freedom.
  • Removed all deep-seated blocks that were hindering her progress.
  • Manifested her dream car and the financial means to acquire it.
  • Started having visions that led to positive outcomes when followed.
  • Old memories resurfaced, allowing her to process and heal from past traumas.
  • Life transformed with new opportunities opening up.
  • Developed trust in her intuition and decision-making.
  • Received numerous revelations and insights.
  • Gained the courage to leave an unfulfilling job and embark on a new path.

This course can help you with: 

What This Course Can Help You With:


  • Heal from past trauma and break free from recurring patterns.


  • Attract abundance by raising your vibrational frequency and clearing energetic blockages.


  • Overcome deep dark depression and cultivate a more positive mindset.


  • Step into your personal power, embrace faith, and live a more purposeful life.


  • Reduce the intensity and frequency of triggers through effective tools and techniques.


  • Develop healthier coping skills for processing traumatic events and triggers.

This course is for those who:

  • Individuals eager for personal growth and unlocking their full potential.


  • Those who desire to make a positive impact on themselves and their loved ones.


  • Individuals seeking to attract joy, abundance, and meaningful connections.


  • Those struggling with depression and seeking to break free from negativity.


  • People ready to take responsibility and create positive change in their lives.



  • Those with the dedication and willpower to take action and transform their lives.

Things to Consider 

  • Healing Takes Time and Effort: This course is a journey, not a quick fix. Your commitment to the practices and techniques taught is crucial for lasting results.


  • Not All Triggers May Be Addressed: The course focuses on clearing current triggers by processing the energy properly and developing somatic coping mechanisms. Triggers rooted in past lives or other deep-seated issues may require additional support.


  • New Traumas May Arise: Healing is an ongoing process. While this course can help you manage existing triggers new traumas may emerge. The goal is to equip you with the tools to handle situations effectively.


  • Abundance and Ascension can come through when a trigger is handled properly. This takes hard work and the determination to change. The bigger the trigger the more abundance can come through. You can also receive forms of Abundance through other ways, which are listed in the course container.


  • Abundance can mean many things, it depends on what the trigger is blocking you from. Abundance can be energy, frequency, money, gifts, opportunities, clients etc. 


This course is designed to be a helpful resource on your healing journey, but it's important to remember that there are many other tools to help individuals on their healing journey. There is never one way to heal. 

Image by Owen Yin

Unleash Your Power
$999 USD

The Abundance Blueprint ($999)
Womb Healing Course ($333)
For Special Price of 
$1111 USD


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