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Akashic Records Facilitation Training


What are the Akashic Records? 


The Akashic Records are an energetic library of information that contain the details of your soul and its journey. They span through past lives, present incarnations, and future possibilities. This includes your soul journey, your soul purpose, your gifts, and so much more.



  • Your interested in becoming a facilitator but don't know where to start or how to access them?


  • Have you tried to access the records but have had little or no breakthroughs?


  • Or do you feel like you have no gifts or abilities turned on, but you have a strong pull to the Akashic Records? 


If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then this course may be for you!  Please set up a free consultation today or fill out our application form below so we can discuss the courses in further detail. 


With three unique courses to choose from we can tune in to discover which program is the right fit for you.

Do you feel a strong pull to the Akashic Records? 

Image by Trevor Gerzen
Image by Trevor Gerzen

What we offer


Akashic Records Facilitation Training
Akashic Records Course
Akashic Records Facilitation Course
Anchor 1
Anchor 2


In this interview she states:


  • All of her CLAIRS came on in full form during this Sacred Container. This includes claircognizance, clairaudience, clairvoyance and clairsentience 


  • This course fully transformed her entire life


  • The Akashic Records Activations opened a portal for her and she started to receive powerful downloads and messages that were to the point and clear.


  •  She is now able to offer divine guidance and healing for others and for herself


  • She has gained much more confidence in herself and in her path from receiving divine guidance from the records daily


  • From this course her relationships have improved, her outlook on the world has improved, her anxiety has decreased and much more!


  • Not only did Jillian learn to read her own Akashic Records and step into being a professional Akashic Records Facilitator, but she also positivley transformed her life with the self mastery tools given in this course.


Everyone has the ability to read the records, we have just forgotten or are blocked due to past life trauma or not accessing the records in many lifetimes. Your soul level and how you read the records is what makes you unique.


Akashic Records Reading's & Mentorship 

In our one-on-one Akashic Records sessions, along with Mentorship you will have a chance to ask any questions regarding the program and your Akashic Records to assist you on your journey.

Akashic Records Readings

What's included in..

The Akashic Records Facilitation Course


In this deeply rewarding, activating and healing course we dive deep into

  • How to access the Akashic Records as a facilitator 

  • Empower and activate your claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairvoyance in the records

  • Learn how to heal yourself and others from past life or previous traumas

  • Find your unique flow and style in the records

  • Gain confidence within yourself to professionally facilitate for others

Follow your sacred soul's journey to remember and align with what matters most!

Akashic Records

Journey #1

12-Week Online Program with new practices & material added weekly to assist you on your journey. 8 Weekly group Zoom meetings.

Akashic Records Facilitation Training

Discover #2

Discover how to access and move through the records as a Facilitator efficiently and effectively. Learn your organic way to channel the records confidently along with gaining self mastery tools. 

Akashic Records Facilitation Training

Prepare  and Activate #3

How to create Sacred Space and prepare yourself for a reading. Practices and activations to clear density from your channel, crown and vessel. All programs contain Akashic Records Activations to assist in clearing the density and blocks inhibiting you from this innate access.

Akashic Records Facilitation Training
Training Akashic Records

Guidance #4

Akashic Records Facilitation Training

In depth guidance stepping into the facilitation role. One-on-one Akashic Records Reading Sessions & Mentorship with founder of EarthRising. 

Explore #4

Explore How to heal from past life, Light Language, Symbology and creating unique codes to use in the records and much more!

Embody #5

Embodying yourself as a confident Akashic Records Facilitator by practicing with other students. Stepping into the world cultivating the skills and abilities as a powerful pioneer.


Activations & Quantum Transmissions


Activations & Quantum Transmissions are used as a tool to assist you on your journey. They are here to assist your awakening and activating process more efficiently. 

Akashic Records Facilitation Courses


to reserve your spot!

(limited spots available) 


Please fill out the application form or set up a free consultation session with me to discuss further. 



Original - Price in USD

  • 12-Week Online Certification Program for Akashic Records Facilitation

  • Eight Weekly Group Zoom Calls

  • Akashic Records Activations, one & two

  • Two one-on-one Akashic Records readings with founder of EarthRising

  • Mentorship with founder of EarthRising

  • Material and practices to assist you as a facilitator and in your overall expansion and self growth

  • Two Group Breathwork Sessions

  • 16-Week Energetic Container to practice with other students.

  • Community Access

  • Bonus zoom meeting to celebrate and close the container




Activating - Price in USD

  • 12-Week Online Certification Program for Akashic Records Facilitation

  • Eight weekly Group Zoom Calls

  • Akashic Records Activation, one & two

  • Third Eye Activation

  • Plus three extra Quantum Transmissions

  • Four one-on-one Akashic Records readings with founder of EarthRising

  • Mentorship with founder of EarthRising

  • Material and practices to assist you as a facilitator and in your overall expansion and self growth

  • Two Group Breathwork Sessions

  • 16-Week Energetic Container to practice with other students.

  • Community Access

  • Bonus zoom meeting to celebrate and close the container




Healing and Activating- Price in USD

  • This multifaceted container is only for people who are local to Vancouver, BC Canada

  • 12-Week Online Certification Program for Akashic Records Facilitation

  • Three Kambo Medicine Ceremonies OR Sexual/ Womb healing course

  • Sacred Geometry Cord Cutting Attunement

  • Light Language Etheric Attunement

  • Akashic Records Activation, one & two

  • Third Eye Activation

  • Plus three extra Quantum Transmissions

  • Four one-on-one Akashic Records readings with founder of EarthRising

  • Mentorship with founder of EarthRising

  • Material and practices to assist you as a facilitator and in your overall expansion and self growth

  • Eight weekly Group Zoom Calls

  • Two Group Breathwork Sessions

  • 16-Week Energetic Container to practice with other students.

  • Community Access

  • Bonus zoom meeting to celebrate and close the container


Akashic Records Facilitation Courses


to reserve your spot!

(limited spots available) 


Please fill out the application form or set up a free consultation session with me to discuss further. 



Original - Price in USD

  • 12-Week Online Certification Program for Akashic Records Facilitation

  • Eight Weekly Group Zoom Calls

  • Akashic Records Activations, one & two

  • Two one-on-one Akashic Records readings with founder of EarthRising

  • Mentorship with founder of EarthRising

  • Material and practices to assist you as a facilitator and in your overall expansion and self growth

  • Two Group Breathwork Sessions

  • 16-Week Energetic Container to practice with other students.

  • Community Access

  • Bonus zoom meeting to celebrate and close the container




Activating - Price in USD

  • 12-Week Online Certification Program for Akashic Records Facilitation

  • Eight weekly Group Zoom Calls

  • Akashic Records Activation, one & two

  • Third Eye Activation

  • Plus three extra Quantum Transmissions

  • Four one-on-one Akashic Records readings with founder of EarthRising

  • Mentorship with founder of EarthRising

  • Material and practices to assist you as a facilitator and in your overall expansion and self growth

  • Two Group Breathwork Sessions

  • 16-Week Energetic Container to practice with other students.

  • Community Access

  • Bonus zoom meeting to celebrate and close the container




Healing and Activating- Price in USD​

  • 12-Week Online Certification Program for Akashic Records Facilitation

  • Three Kambo Medicine Ceremonies OR Sexual/ Womb healing course

  • Sacred Geometry Cord Cutting Attunement

  • Light Language Etheric Attunement

  • Akashic Records Activation, one & two

  • Third Eye Activation

  • Plus three extra Quantum Transmissions

  • Four one-on-one Akashic Records readings with founder of EarthRising

  • Mentorship with founder of EarthRising

  • Material and practices to assist you as a facilitator and in your overall expansion and self growth

  • Eight weekly Group Zoom Calls

  • Two Group Breathwork Sessions

  • 16-Week Energetic Container to practice with other students.

  • Community Access

  • Bonus zoom meeting to celebrate and close the container






  • 12 week online certification with material and practices weekly


  • 2 Akashic Readings


  • 2 Akashic Activations 


  • Mentorship


  • 8 weekly group zoom calls


  • 2 group breath work sessions 


  • Bonus month of practice


  • Community access - part of WhatsApp group



  • 12 week online certification with material and practices weekly


  • 4 Akashic reading


  • Akashic Activations


  • Group of Quantum Transmissions


  • One extra quantum transmission or activation of your choice


  • Sacred Geometry Cord Cutting


  • 3 Kambo Medicine Ceremonies 


  • Light Language Body Attunement


  • 8 weekly group zoom calls


  • 2 group breath work sessions


  • Bonus month of practice


  • Community access  part of whatsapp group

$747 USD

$1195 USD

$238 USD 

$373 USD 

$52 USD

$149 USD

$25 USD

$476 USD


$1195 USD



  • 12 week online certification with material and practices weekly


  • 4 Akashic reading


  • 2 Akashic Activations


  • Mentorship


  • 4 Quantum Transmissions (select from catalog)


  • 8 weekly group zoom calls


  • 2 group breath work sessions


  • Bonus month of practice


  • Community access - part of WhatsApp group

$747 USD

$476 USD

$373 USD

$448 USD

$149 USD

$120 USD

$298 USD

$109 USD

$523 USD

$747 USD

$448 USD

$523 USD

$52 USD

$149 USD

$25 USD

$523 USD

$52 USD

$149 USD

$25 USD






ONLY $1222 


Hear what our clients have to say! 


Meet Jeremy!


He raised over $500K for his new business from a message that came through in our session! - This was one of the first few readings I gave!

Meet Saira!

She went in with a request to heal a trigger and noticed it was a gone a week later! She also noticed having incredible energy after our session! 

Meet Mercy!

She had powerful transformation healing from our sessions. We worked on clearing some blocks that we found and she noticed huge healing after our sessions together.

Common Questions
& Answers

Q. How can I know if  I will be able to channel the Akashic Records after completing this course and if this is the right course for me? 

A. Everyone and anyone can channel the Akashic Records, however most people are not ready for it yet. The people who are aligned often will have blockages stopping them from this innate ability. These blocks are usually from past life or early childhood traumas or not accessing the records in many lifetimes.  If you have been brought to this page and feel aligned to me or my offerings than you are ready to take this course.  The activations, practices and self mastery included in this course are here to clear the blocks and density inhibiting you from this access while assisting you to find your unique flow of how to channel and move through the records. 

Q. How do I know if I will be a good Akashic Records Facilitator? 

A. Whatever soul level you are on + how many lifetimes you have stepped into this role + how much work and dedication you put into this program will dictate how you flow through the records. If you feel aligned to my course, and you are determined and dedicated to this course container I know you will become an excellent Akashic Records Facilitator. If you want to be certain if this course is for you I would suggest booking an Akashic Reading with me and asking there. I can deduct the Akashic Reading and price from your course if you choose to enroll in the course before the course starts. 

Q. I don't have any special abilities or clairs turned on, is this course right for me?

A. Yes! This course is here to empower all of your clairs in the records and to re- activate the Akashic Records in your field. 

Q. How many hours do I need to have available per week minimum for this course?

A. For this course you would need minimum 3 hours per week. If you only have 2 hrs per week know that you can still do the course but it will take you longer to step into this role. 3-5 hrs per week is highly suggested if you want to finish this course and step into becoming a professional Akashic Records Facilitator by the time this course ends. The more time and effort you put into this course, the more you will receive. 

Q. How do I know if I am aligned to this course? 

A. Do you get excited or feel an energetic pull, a strong resonance towards this course or becoming an Akashic Records Facilitator? If you still are unsure feel free to ask this question in an Akashic Reading with me or go into a meditative state, see if you feel good about it or have that pull when your in this state.  


Application Form

To register, please take the time to fill out the information below.

Subscribe Form

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