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Sacred Geometry Cord Cutting Container

This comprehensive container combines a powerful Sacred Geometry Cord Cutting Etheric Session with a Cord Detaching and Unplugging Quantum Transmission. This dual approach is designed to thoroughly clear any unconscious cords that do not serve your highest good, while restoring your personal power. 

Image by Jon


Why do we need Cord Cutting?


Throughout our lives, we form energetic connections with people, places, things, and experiences. These connections, or cords, facilitate an ongoing exchange of energy that can become draining and create density in our energy field, hindering our personal growth and potential.


The intensity of a relationship often correlates with the size and impact of the energetic cord. This Cord Cutting session serves to unplug these attachments, reclaiming the energy that has been unconsciously or consciously given away. By doing so, it allows us to restore our personal power and vitality, empowering us to move forward with greater clarity and purpose.

Cord Cutting Container explained in more detail 


What can happen after this Cord Cutting Container? 

People often report feeling very light, happy, energized etc. They often feel like they moved some sort of funky energy. For some people improved and better sleep.
Be Aware: When doing cord cutting, old relationships, friends, partners etc. might feel more inclined to reach out to you. As you are reclaiming your power back, they feel that. 

Bay's Testimonial


How do we give our Power away?


Through resentment, anger, blame, putting people on pedestals, letting people to decide for us what we should do, letting people control us, by saying yes when you really want to say no, people pleasing, not being truthful or authentic are just some examples of how we give our power away.  


What is cord cutting? 


Cord cutting is here to detach and unplug the cords that are attached to you that are draining you or taking from your energy and power.Cord Cutting doesn't ruin relationships and make the person completely detach from you. It simply restores your power and energy back to you, while clearing the cords from previous experiences, relationships or attachments.  Often times people who you have given your power or energy to can feel this power being taken back and may reach out to you. 


How does this container begin? 


The session begins with the placement of a Quantum Transmission in your energy field. This transmission can be downloaded and utilized independently, as often as you feel called.

Following the transmission, you will be guided through a Sacred Geometry Cord Cutting & Body Attunement. This process is conducted on Zoom while i work on you in the Etheric Realms.

Sacred Geometry Etheric Cord Cutting Session


In this session I will be removing any unconscious energetic cords from all lives to people places and things that no longer serve your highest greatest good. This includes removing any energetic leaches or anything that is taking from your vital energy.


Giving you a Sacred Geometry body attunement while filling you up with Source energy.


Cord Cutting Quantum Transmission



  • Detach and unplug unwanted energetic cords: Remove energetic ties that no longer serve you, promoting clarity and well-being.

  • Clear dense energy: Release stagnant or negative energy from your personal field, leaving you feeling lighter and more refreshed.

  • Permanently in your field, for you to use as you please.

  • Assist with entity removal: Help to clear entities that may be clinging to your energy field, although this may not be permanent and depends on individual circumstances.

  • Entity removal is not always guaranteed, and they may return. Additional tools and practices may be necessary to maintain a clear energy field.


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