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Sacred Kambo Medicine

Natures most powerful vaccine


What is Kambo Medicine? 

Kambo is a traditional sacred non-psychedelic medicine used by many of the tribes of the Amazon rainforest. It is legal and very safe when applied properly by a trained Kambo practitioner. The secretion is collected from the Phyllomedusa Bicolor which is a giant monkey tree frog. 

The Benefits Kambo


Science has shown that Kambo has a unique and complex blend of bio-active peptides. Each of these 11 peptides are isolated and perform a specific and beneficial function. The peptides are completely natural so the body recognizes them which allows no stress on cells for better receptivity. This is not true for the pharmaceuticals which leaves stress on the cells.

The Neuropeptides and bio-peptides found in Kambo can aid in neurotransmission, pain relief, reducing inflammation, detoxification, balancing hormonal and immune systems. It is also known to be anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic. 

What are peptides?

Peptides are a short chain of amino acids that when bonded perform functions in the body. Examples of peptides include antibiotics, enzymes and insulin. Peptides affect mood, energy, cognitive reasoning, blood sugar and pressure, digestion, and can even stop the growth of micro-organisms.

When the secretion enters the body cells open up, allowing the Kambo to cleanse any foreign substances or toxins from the cells. This can allow Kambo to deeply detoxify the body. 

Emotional benefits can also occur. This can show up as enhanced mood, improved clarity and focus, intuition, alertness, motivation, energy, an increased resistance to stress, improved resiliency and overall confidence.


Kambo does not just work on the emotional and physical levels. It can also work deeply on the spiritual level. It can cleanse us of energetic parasites, negative energies, entities, blocked or suppressed emotions that keep us in poor health and out of alignment with our highest self. Which can allow for your entire body a spiritual reset.


This powerful medicine can also help clear and release trauma that is energetically stored in the body. This can aid in the lessoning of C-PTSD/ PTSD, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, migraines and any of the lower emotions. Kambo can aid in the recovery of addictions, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, arthritis, gut issues, high blood pressure, cancer, infections, viruses, diseases, brain fog, eye issues, adrenal fatigue, candida, digestive issues, allergies, infertility, spiritual and physical parasites and imbalanced blood pressure. Can aid in the suffering in people with HIV, diabetes, AIDS, herpes, MS, IBS, auto immune disorders, organ disease, and diabetes.


The frog is never harmed but rather treated with utmost care and respect. The shaman's believe that harming the frog angers the animal spirits that they live and work so closely with. If the secretion does not naturally come out, the toes of  the frog are then massaged to help with relaxation. Once the secretion from the frog is carefully taken, the frogs are returned to their natural habitat. 

**This website is not intended to and does not provide medical advice. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this website is for educational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the FDA or Health Canada**

testimonial for Kambo


"I just wanted to drop in to let you know how much Kambo has changed my life. It was hands down, the most transformational experience that I’ve had. Kambo healed me from things that I never thought I could be healed from. Things like agoraphobia and my thyroid/nervous system became repaired; At one point I was taking 75mmg of Synthroid every day or I would get really sick. A few weeks after Kambo, I started to test not taking my medication.  I haven’t had any side effects and it’s been two years already! Amazing. Kambo freed me from a life time of prescriptions! 
I just wanted you to know you’re saving lives, and changing the for the better! 
So, thank you for allowing me the healing space to purge in your presence and the wisdom to guide me through my experiences.  I’ll treasure this experience always, I really appreciate what you do."


Please inform me if you have any of the following as going against these rules are not safe.

  • Covid Vaccine within nine weeks of injection

  • Severe heart issues (exceptions with stint)

  • History of stroke

  • History of aneurisms or blood clots 

  • History of brain hemorrhage

  • History of serious mental health issues i.e. Bipolar/ Schizophrenia etc.(please inform me of what illness you suffer from).

  • Anyone undergoing chemo or other intensive cancer treatments (wait 4-6 months before and after)

  • Pregnant women

  • Women that are breast feeding a baby under 6 months 

  • Addison's disease

  • Extreme Epilepsy

  • In recovery from a serious surgery

  • Active brain injury (exception if the severity is low) 

Contraindication Drugs

  • Anti-Epileptics

  • Anti-Psychotics

  • Fentanyl

  • Heroin substitutes (Methadone, Suboxone, Naltrexone)



Please inform me if you have any of the following, as we would need to do a gentle layered treatment on you.

  • Autoimmune disorder with severe symptoms 

  • Chronic pain, light headedness, flu or nauseousness

  • Mental health issues

  • Low blood pressure medication 

  • Blood clots 

  • Blood thinning medications

  • Addictions, please let me know what you are using. Must refrain from using drugs for X amount of time depending on drug and depending on addiction. Heavy addicts I will need you to have a sobriety coach who understands Kambo (I can recommend one) while working with me. Please inform me and we can go into greater detail.

*I am not an addictions councilor or trained in mental health so please speak to your doctor before trying Kambo. *



Please make sure to book the 15 minute phone call consultation if it is your first time doing Kambo with me.


It is important to ABSTAIN from alcohol and recreational drugs at least 24 hours before and after Kambo. Recommended 7 days before and 2 weeks after for best integration. 



You will be drinking 2 litres of water immediately before receiving Kambo so please have minimal water intake a few hours before session. Please also bring an extra change of clothes, and you may also want to have extra layers in case you get chilly if it is a cold day.


Please bring a journal with your intentions ready for the ceremony. Intentions may be something that you want to bring in, and or something that you want to heal and release.



Must Abstain from drugs and alcohol for 2 weeks before and after Kambo.  


Do not eat for 12 hours before. Juice and smoothies are okay if it is 5 hours or more before you sit. It is also helpful to eat a healthy and earthy diet in the days leading to your Kambo session.


Please be advised that if you have any of the following you should NOT have Kambo: Covid Vaccine, A heart condition, history of stroke, pregnancy, breastfeeding under 6 months, epilepsy and those taking immune suppressants for organ transplants as well as those with mental disorders.


Please Do Not: fast for longer than 12 hours for 7 days before or after Kambo, Juice fasting however is ok up to 5 hours before Kambo. No colonics, enemas, liver flushes, or water based detoxes for 3 days on either side of Kambo due to possible electrolyte depletion.


If you get Botox, wait 7 days after the injection, as Kambo is known to push Botox out of the body.


Please let me know of any medications, substances or supplements that you are taking, some are contraindicated. Also inform me if you have any issues with substance abuse.


I am honored to serve you in your healing journey with me!



Must Abstain from drugs and alcohol for 2 weeks before and after Kambo. 


  • Committing to a morning prayer and meditation practice.

  • Purge writing where you write out the thoughts in your head for 5-10 minutes.

  • Breathwork, I find breathwork helps push out the emotions that come up out faster. I can send you a link on request to my favorite breathing exercise.

  • Eating healthy meals.

  • Getting out into nature.

  • Staying away from large groups or "party scenes" minimum two weeks before and after Kambo.

  • Sitting with the spirit of Kambo and asking for guidance and clarity. 

  • Candle lit baths with Epsom salt and ambient music. Kambo loves water! 

  • Cleansing the home with sage or palo santo.

  • If trauma or old emotions/ memories are coming up just know this is normal for   trauma purging to continue to release 2-4 weeks after Kambo in a hexing effect. Pinpoint in your body where the energy is, and just be aware of it, notice it without any words attached to the energy. Sit in that awareness for as long as you can, or until it dissipates.  

  • Starting up a creative project, try not have judgment to the outcome and just let source flow threw you.

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