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NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback Brain Training

Have you trained your brain today? 

What is NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback®?

NeurOptimal® is an advanced neuro-technology that offers training to the brain, enabling it to function at its best. It’s mathematically designed to communicate directly with your central nervous system and has been called “the most effective bio-hack on this planet”. NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback® is a unique and highly expanded brain training tool that is able to recognize the electrical activity of the brain and give information (or communication) that mirrors what the CNS (Central Nervous System) just did. This specifically designed computer software and EEG hardware will detect any changes or differences in the electrical signal of your brain, specifically when the CNS is about to shift, and shows signs of discomfort. As this shift happens the NeurOptimal software informs the brain through an interruption, by way of a static sound, so that the brain can become aware of its own activity. This interruption is the ‘feedback’ that triggers the brain to rewire, reorient and self-regulate.


NeurOptimal Neurofeedback Explained





  • NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback is believed to be the most advanced brain-training system available in the world today.

  • NODN brain training continues with each session until the CNS has developed the ability to carry stability across their sessions, and into the future, as the individual learns to maintain this ‘feeling’ without the need of NeurOptimal® training Sessions. 

  • NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback measures your EEG (Electroencephalography) activity to detect changes in cortical activity.

  • This nonlinear computer software measures duration, intensity, frequency and shift. Unlike linear software programs that only measure duration and aptitude. 

  • When the CNS (Central Nervous System) is about to shift; as the brains electrical activity becomes distorted, the NeurOptimal measures this and informs the brain through an interruption of a glitch or a static sound so the brain can become aware of it's activity. 

  • When ‘static or glitches are detected from the CNS,  the brain notices and adapts/self-regulates by returning to the present moment.

  • The brain perceives the interruption at a non-conscious level. This interruption is the ‘feedback’ that triggers the brain to reorient and self-regulate.

  • The NeurOptimal® software computer mirrors feedback to the brain microsecond by microsecond.

  • The shift is when the brain unconsciously goes into trauma response or it does something it didn't intend to do.

  • Not one size fits all approach; this brain training system uniquely responds to your own electrical feedback. 

  • Neurofeedback® is considered a gentle painless and noninvasive method of restoring effective balancing within the Central Nervous System

  • This training is known to assist with being more flexible, more resilient, and less rigid for a more optimized, well-balanced life. 

  • NeurOptimal® has no known unwanted side effects.

  • There is no diagnosis necessary • No treatments • No protocols  • No stimulation • No entrainment or migration

  • NeurOptimal® is a training tool and does not diagnose, treat, mitigate, prevent or cure any disease, disorder, or abnormal physical state, nor does it restore, modify or correct the body’s structure or functioning. If you require medical assistance, please seek the advice of your physician.

  • The FDA has labeled NeurOptimal® as a consumer product in Canada.

  • NeurOptimal Neurofeedback was developed by Dr. Valdeane and Dr. Susan Brown

Qualities and Material

  • With NeurOptimal’s® revolutionary AutoNAV feature, access world-class Neurofeedback Training at your convenience.

  • NeurOptimal®’s Dynamical Neurofeedback® technology measures brain activity 500,000+ times in a single session.

  • NeurOptimal®’s Dynamical Neurofeedback® measures brain behavior from .01 hertz to 64 hertz, collecting and analyzing data 256X per second. Exclusive to NeurOptimal®, Dynamical Neurofeedback®

Compilation of NeurOptimal Neurofeedback Testimonials




What can NeurOptimal® assist with?

  • Promotes Healthy Sleep Habits

  • Increased Mood & Self Esteem

  • Mental Acuity

  • Promotes Relaxation, and Stress Management 

  • Assists with Weight Loss Goals

  • Improves Instruction Following, Concentration, Problem Solving, Multitasking, Resource Management, Logic, Pattern-Recognition, Eye-Hand Coordination 

  • Quicker Recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury and Concussion

  • Better Relationships

  • Mental Clarity 

  • Resilience, Flexibility and Adaptability

  • Enhances Learning Capacity 

  • Confidence 

  • Comfortability 

  • Increased Motivation

  • Attention and Focus

  • Brain Fog

  • Sports Anxiety

  • Performance Anxiety

  • Feeling Centered, Calm and Balanced

  • Physical and Mental Performance

  • Mind Body Connection

  • Waking Refreshed

  • Helps Promote a Healthy Lifestyle

  • Contributes to General Wellness

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